Monday, August 3, 2020

20 Questions with Dr. Peter Francev

The guest of the second installment of "20 Questions on Camus" is Dr. Peter Francev. 

Dr. Francev in his doctoral regalia.

Dr. Francev is the Chair of the English Department at Victor Valley College in California. Professor Francev holds an M.A in Philosophy from University College, Dublin, an M.A in English from California State University Polytechnic University, Pomona and his Ph.D. was granted in English from The University of Leicester. Dr. Francev has published multiple articles on Camus and he is the editor of two landmark text on Camus.  

Dr. Francev's answer to the new question: Do you consider Camus an African author, why or why not?

This is a fantastic question! 

I suppose, if one were to look at geography, then he would be considered an African writer; however, if you look at the political dimensions with Algeria being a colony of France, then it would be more appropriate to call him a French-Algerian writer. I prefer French-Algerian, because of his ethnic and geographical make up, rather than a purely “African” writer. And, that is the same logic that I would use in not referring to him as a purely “French” writer.

Please ask questions or comment below and enjoy. 

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