Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Journal of Camus Studies 2015

The Journal of Camus Studies is out! 

After a wonderfully engaging conference in London, the papers given at the conference have been edited, suggestions added or ignored, and accepted for publication.  Here they are:

And some well reviewed books. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Resource #1


I will begin listing resources on Albert Camus and later on particular philosophers and philosophical movements that you can trust.  With the massive amount of material available today, it can become an overwhelming task to try and find what is worth your time to read and what may lead you astray.

When I began my graduate work, the internet was just blooming and I had the advantage of being anchored in actual text and journals that were rigorously peer reviewed.  A source that is peer reviewed contains articles that experts in the field have reviewed and sent back for corrections and then accepted for publication or, on rare occasions, accepted with out corrections, or more often, rejected for publication.  These articles are "blind review" meaning the people reviewing the articles (the experts) do not know who wrote them. Today, on the internet, you may be reading the rantings of an untrained person who is intentionally leading you down a path that has no clear end.

Just to make it clear I am not being ironic above, here is a link to the college where I teach and you can find my name on journal articles on Camus through the Society's webpage.

MacMurray College  and a link to a few of my credentials.

The first resource that I would like to direct your attention to is The Journal of Camus Studies and the accompanying scholarly society The Albert Camus Society.  This group has been extremely active since 2009 and holds an annual conference each year in London to hear the latest research on Camus. In addition to the annual conference, they publish two academic journals a year.  These journals are the go-to source for academic work on Camus.  In addition to articles on Camus, they publish book reviews that cover anything written about Camus, or ancillary areas such as French Philosophy, Paris in the 1940s, Colonial Algeria, etc.

If you are new to philosophy, don't worry, I will soon do a blog on entry level resources on Camus you can trust, but this is the best place to start and anchor yourself.

Here is a link to:

The Albert Camus Society

Here is link to:

The Journal of Camus Studies

Here is link to purchase journals:

Purchase Journals

Take some time to explore these links, the information is solid and trustworthy.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


Welcome to the blog for Albert Camus Radio.

 This blog is also supported by Albert Camus Radio on Facebook, look us up! 

I will soon (July 2020) begin loading short videos that outline Camus major works and eventually move into all the major secondary material on Camus. 
