Friday, February 19, 2021

20 Questions with Dr. Berg!

The tables are turned and I am asked 20 questions about Camus. Dr. Peter Francev leads this conversation. Enjoy! 

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Simon Lea's address to The Albert Camus Society: Camus and Nietzsche

Enjoy a fascinating journey with Simon Lea as he explores connections between Camus and Nietzsche.
This paper was presented at the annual Albert Camus Society conference in 2020.  


Monday, December 21, 2020

Dr. Berg's Presentation at the 2020 Albert Camus Society Conference


Below, you can watch my presentation to The Albert Camus Society held in October of 2020. In this presentation I make 4 connections between plague in Camus' novel The Plague and COVID-19 in the United States. Enjoy! 

Friday, October 30, 2020

Camus' The First Man in graphic novel form.

A book review of the graphic novel version of Camus' The First Man. A look at the text and the visual images created by the artist Jacques Ferrandez. It is a short episode so you can tune in when you have limited time to listen.

Enjoy and keep reading Camus. 

Thursday, October 29, 2020

20 Questions with Simon Lea

Simon Lea founded the Albert Camus Society and is the president of the United Kingdom group. He has consulted for a London production of the Camus play Cross-purposes, is the author of many stunning and ground-breaking articles on Camus, and is working on a Beginners Guide to Albert Camus as part of a series of Beginners Guides produced by a U.K. publisher.

Please set aside some time to listen to and enjoy this wide-ranging and highly informative part 1 of 2 episodes featuring Simon Lea. 

Friday, October 16, 2020

20 Questions with Dr. Kaluza

Dr Maciej Kałuża, in addition to a dear friend and a very gracious host, is the author of two books about Camus's notions of the absurd and revolt, editor for two collected volumes on Camus's philosophy. Founder of Polish Albert Camus society. During his research grants, he visited Albert Camus archives in France and studied unpublished works of Camus. He is currently working on a collection of philosophical essays, revolving around Camus's last published novel, "The Fall", and on a book on the concept of violence in French postwar philosophy. He loves cats, but, because life is actually quite absurd, he is allergic to cats.

Enjoy this engaging episode. 

Monday, September 28, 2020

20 Questions with Dr. James Woelfel

Professor James Woelfel received his Ph.D. in Religious Studies from the University of St. Andrews, became a member of the University of Kansas faculty in 1966, and served as Director of Humanities & Western Civilization from 1985 until July 2010. 

His teaching and research have been primarily 19th and 20th century European philosophical and religious thought.  Among the books he has authored are Bonhoeffer’s Theology, Borderland Christianity, Albert Camus on the Sacred and the Secular, Portraits in Victorian Religious Thought, The Existentialist Legacy and Other Essays on Philosophy and Religion, and is an editor of Patterns in Western Civilization fourth edition.  

Professor Woelfel was a 1997 recipient of the Kansas Humanities Council’s Silver Anniversary Public Scholar Award, and in 1998 received a Kemper Fellowship for Excellence in Teaching. He retired from KU in May 2015.

In this interview, I ask Dr. Woelfel 20 questions about Albert CamusEnjoy this engaging interview with Dr Woelfel, my dissertation advisor!

Thanks to KU for the bio information